Tuesday, 6 July 2010


Dear Hillary for your records: My brother came down with Agent Orange disease it killed him non Hodgkin’s lymphoma after a long and pain filled life of needless suffering. Many paid medical professionals lied for years that there was no such thing as Agent Orange disease also. As Your Husband proved this lie to be false earning my late brothers respect and gratitude although much too late to save him from decades of pain or prevent his death which could have been avoided if the doctors told the truth from the beginning. The battle goes on. Now it is Gulf War Syndrome.

Looking for Medical Doctors which know about Gulf War Syndrome was the first person in USA to come down with during the First Gulf War from Chemicals (worked with over 2000 some neuro toxins & hydrazine to help speed it to the blood supply) which destroyed brain membrane & immune system Although at that time they had no name for it.. After almost 2 years of my own research (help from many other sources) was able to establish chemical injury medically proving damage sufficient enough to be considered over 70% disabled my file was used by Congress for guidelines for social security cases still used today.

My research was done for a workers compensation claim which I won (after my lawyer quit right before the hearing in collusion with the companies lawyer) represented myself via a telephonic hearing won the case company bribed the head of the Worker compensation board (promotion to Director) if he would throw out the case.(Alaska) is controlled by criminals dressed in suits called Politicians & oil executives which feared criminal charges for the damage they done to many workers. They prefer to bury workers (which they succeeded in doing) not pay them.

However the workers compensation board did say I was damaged from chemicals just that they would not pay me for it. The Federal government {looking for injury on chemically damaged people} used all the information I spent my life savings collecting tests from Allergist (Chemical warfare uses allergist in chemical weapons) as the bases for a protocol study for Gulf War Syndrome (hired my second Doctor before my last doctor for the study then stole him away from Washington State).

I do have some resentment being robbed by Alaska State proving everything in a Kangaroo court but count it a Blessing since my research did help the returning Vets with some information gained from the many mistakes made on me by Doctors just learning about this disease.

Some of the mistakes was having doctors order a EKG then have no one read it (though they charged for reading) Until the doctor who ordered had time to read in his regular mail seeing I was in cardiac arrest bad enough to kill. He called my house asked is Edward still alive? Call 911 he had a bad heart attack.

The federal Government In particular the US Air Force used all my information for treatments for the disabled vets without paying anything for the information I spent my life savings on. However I am happy it helped many others this permitted one million other people stricken to gain medical treatment and acceptance under the general Term CFIDS later (ME) post polio syndrome. Historically this type of auto immune damage affects the one third of the world population which would have caught Polio except for Jonas Sauk. Who warned of only curing one half of the auto immune disorders from this gene on the double helix. He was correct..

The same gene which made my brother sick from Agent Orange also made me sick from different but similar chemical trigger. I need to find a doctor in (Kaunas) soon who either knows about this or is willing to learn about or will be dead in a few weeks.
My doctor (Washington) will supply information if someone can supply the needed medication to keep me from going into cardiac arrest from pain or into a left hemisphere lobe seizure which kills millions of brain cells.

The damage done to immune system is great and common flue can kill me. I only have between 20%to 50% of lung capacity with advanced damage due from chemical scaring and asbestos damage from over 20 years in heavy contaminated power plants and chemical plants currently using an oxygen concentrator.

Any Help in this matter would be appreciated. Without medication taken for over 10 years I will go into cardiac arrest, need operation two years ago, seizure of left hemisphere lobe can only be controlled not eliminated as most of the prescriptions is to lessen major effects of the damage none are curative at all. Lungs easier to breathe on steroids I have lost ground simple flue my problems are over.

President Bush
(Wednesday, 24 January 2007) Contributed by enochrodofiron

President Bush: I have been patient waiting on everyone, paid religionist, government leaders, Media, rich powerful people who control this world to come to their senses realize that their petty foolish concerns have nothing to do with the coming destruction of half of all life.

Their self centered objections to the will of God will not carry any weight with God (exception as purpose of indictment to their total disregard) for truth, justice, and preservation of planet earth. (Harpo) Oprah, Bill Gates & Ted Turner are the only people except administrators that will be Billionaires in the coming 1000 year kingdom by the expressed and continued confirmation of God who spoke this for years. They along with your soul illuminated by God (spiritual tied to my soul from April 4, 2002) Oprah will be the person who interviews the Lord Jesus Christ when he returns as promised by me to her she was the only rich person who actually wrote a e mail to me although she thought she was writing to an employee about one of e mails (concerning a email about a NY Times editorial). Bill Gates obeyed the Christ within when I insulted him guaranteeing his wealth in the coming Kingdom.

Bill Gates will be my paper boy and Ted Turner will be my cable repairmen promised by Christ to me since the beginning of my assignment. The rest of the rich powerful ruling class will be determined by position to Christ in the new hierarchy of the 50,000 Kings, 144,000, all administrators of Hidden Book. You, your family, your friends who refused to obey the Christ within will not be among them.

Most of the rich people you are afraid of offending because of Christ instructions will soon be dead, thanks to your cowardly reaction, to the Hidden Book. If you desire to prevent the death and destruction of even more people than you have already caused you will make sure I have the tools & money both owed & needed by me to be an effective rod of iron to preserve the millions of needless deaths above the 3 billion people who will die anyway.

You failed to have some one at my door with the fine against the State of Alaska (prerequisite of God) for you to receive any blessing on your plans or speech tonight. I have been given much useful information by God concerning problems America faces today.

None of them can be acted on or even written about without the tools, God says I need, to help the United States out of the stupid needless mess you made in the Middle East . Karl Marx said that the capitalist will sell the rope needed to hang him he was mistaken in this sense the capitalist (steal the rope, kill his competitor) to sell the rope to those who will hang him with it.

So I will address the rest of this letter to Senator Hillary Clinton & speaker of the House. This man has failed to follow instructions from God: broken his oath to God by submission & active service to Lucifer. The Democratic Party is herby ordained to destroy the Republican Party its entire corporate structure, along with its supporter’s lobbyist friends which made a living off the power wealth, influence of the Land formerly known as the United States of America .

If the Democratic Party fails to follow instructions they will be judged along with the Republican Party suffer the same fate. As of now the Democratic Party is under an open death sentence from God. Only those covered by the Hidden book are protected by the Hidden Book if they obey the Hidden book.

The Government on the North American land mass occupied now by 300 million people calling themselves Americans is under judgment of God and will be reduced to 30 million Americans because of George Bush foolish selfish self centered sin of pride, fear, and self imposed blindness hiding behind a Plausible deniability shield a demonic device to help him commit national suicide for the enemies of which he was chief of the nation he claimed to love.

The only way to stop the judgment is obey Christ starting with the fine owed by Alaska to me as stated 120 days after I returned from Heaven by direct order of the Lord Jesus Christ. Once the death starts in America everyone who knew about it will die unless they are covered by the Hidden Book of Revelations.

Those killed will be envied by those not killed if they are alive when Christ returned failed to be proactive concerning the Hidden Book especially paid religionist. If Christ keeps the paid religionist alive instead of killing them it is for the expressed purpose of punishing them for the full 1000 years.

Anyone may stop the deaths from earthquake (but not the infra structure that requires official government obedience) providing they say this is the fine owed by Alaska to Edward called Enoch by Christ have it in my hands 1.1 million before the 10 point earthquake, 11 million after the earthquake but before the US Government spends a dime for aid, or 170 million after the 12 point earthquake when I pull Alaska out of the Union altogether make new distribution of the wealth and land of Alaska according to those who obeyed God concerning the Hidden Book of Revelation by direct overt actions..

know this everything that happened to me since 1988 to 2002 was tied to this last week of years and Every pain, insult, loss of beloved family, loved ones due to demonic blindness deception is the tools God will use on everyone to make them believers in His rod of Iron. I lost fifty percent of my Blood family George Bush, Father, Mother, Brother due to demonic control I could not even go to their funerals, don’t expect anything less to happen to you President Bush, I lost my wife, adopted child, stepchildren, because demons deceiving them making them demand I accept them over Christ, his vision of April 4, 2002. They desired my death out of demonic deception spite, (someone who proved for 27 years he would have died a 1000 times for them) don’t expect anything less president Bush.

I told the Vice president that he will be taken out by Christ for failing to obeying concerning his dishonest corporate dealings, he will thank God forever for this if he is worthy of a death before the return of Christ sparing him a 1000 year sentence which you will serve president Bush. Every employee who works for the Whitehouse will suffer for your failing to obey the Hidden Book Instructions and for the needless deaths you have caused regardless if you ever read a single e mail. Those who read or failed to read them will be used as an example of sins of omission in the 1000 year Kingdom live in a cage like an animal in the zoo today.

Standing orders for Democratic Party you are to correct the foolish sins of the Republican Party in this priority, Air, clean up, water make it drinkable, food keep it safe, clothing, make sure if is good enough to last for years because it will have to from now on, shelter, make sure every American is treated better than your pets if you want your children to live.

War, we are at war that will last until Christ returns put this nation on a war footing starting with national conscription (unarmed branch for natural & health care emergencies) for everyone under 35 make it possible for every American who is healthy able to become part of a national military branch that is for national defense from the plagues and judgments coming from God.

Corporation over one hundred million dollars of assets if they want to keep themselves from being regulated by Congress make sure their lowest paid employee is not paid less than 100th of the highest paid officer to start. Minimum wage for America will be the basis for government salaries of Congress, Congress, and President, judicial, all civil servants shall not make more money than 100 times the minimum wage.

All money in retirement plans not in social security will be forfeited to social security. This will eliminate the stealing going on now in pension plans controlled by government, unions, business for the benefit for organized crime such as I suffered from under all unions especially the IBEW...

All corporations will be able to use fifty percent of taxes for feeding the world’s starving people providing the organization doesn’t have more than a 5% administration override. Any charity organization with higher than 5% administration cost is a profit making corporation subject to all taxes real estate will be sold and money distributed to those the money was donated for to begin with Including church organizations. St. Radical copy, Hidden Book administrator post with mega letter. along with Islamic/Jewish section

Mohammad (Palestine) : I rewrote this for Islamic in general because it is one of the last ones I will bother sending. Soon the deaths of millions will preocuppy everyones mind set things you thought important will vaporize before your eyes through tears of grief.

No reason to fear youre converting anyone Mohammad anyone who Loves God belongs to God anyway regardless of name over the house of worship. God told me to reduce my load wait until money he has promised is given before setting up an organization functional without my involvement under control of those picked by God who can use the Hidden Book as guidelines for all of the religions of the God of Abraham.

For this reason my letters will be directed to those who publish them without censorship only. Those who block this information will most likely not be alive after the mega death so no sense wasting time trying to teach them.

I am to direct efforts to those who are ready now to receive knowledge help from the God of Abraham.click on Palestine had as much time as the false church to get rid of religious demons all of God's children must follow simple basic fair rules or be subject to the angel of death without exception. If the pope can follow this after took him apart in his own churches so can anyone.click on and read what the Pope is willing to do not to be judged by God. Death is just another tool God uses to further his will on earth he has warned for over 2500 years this would happen now in this time period.

Those who love God will go to God when killed the rest will suffer for eternity. Those who are saved spiritually will have their souls recycled and sent back to earth until the soul and the new human host can receive the full salvation of body, spirit, & soul. I am to teach only those who are teachable now not waste time on anyone else. I am to set up networks when God makes Bush supply money for the middle east peace plan only those who follow simple instructions will be able to use their talents to establish peace in the (Middle east) they rest will follow directions from people with guns who will obey the same political people now who are held hostage by demons as ancient as the land itself.

I do care what happens to you but I am helpless to prevent what is coming for you. The Hidden Book is the Blood on the door post for the angel of death to passover and the words I write are from the mouth of God to his people to avoid judgment. And you have nothing to Lose by believing me and risk being an outcast when Mohammad ask who followed instruction and who didn't? I will do everything God wants to protect Palestine but I will do nothing for those who risked nothing or blocked the good news,

They belong to the Illussion of God they served not the real God who promised everything I wrote 2500 years ago..You refused to publish my answer out of spiritual fear of worshipping your Illusion or Idol about the God of Abraham and not the real God of Abraham.

You put yourself on the side of religious demons not God. Anyone stopping messages about the return of the Christ will be judged an enemy to God in 3+ years Christian Jew or Islamic. The Christian church ministers face a living death if they live through the mega death (unlikely) Mohammad himself will chop heads of Islamic teachers, preachers scholars or government leaders which stopped the News about Christ return, the only reason why Mohammad thought that the Christ didn't die on the cross is he didn't think God permitted Christ to die because the Christ was so precious and Holy it was unthinkable for him.

Moses will punish those same souls alive today in the modern Sanhedrin in Israel for nailing Christ to a tree all this in 3 years after the death of fifty percent of all life click on "this generation shall not pass meaning in demon warfare"

mail to Bush & Christian Church leaders Sent: 8/22/2004 5:32 AM
The main reason why the 20th century church has failed so badly in occupying this earth until he comes is the doctrine of Nicolation. Without the money factor the teachings of Christ (first century doctrines only) would not create any significant doctrinal differences with the other branches of the family of the God of Abraham. Christ set it up that way. Although Christians have the fullness of the Gospel (Christ proclaiming before Abraham I, AM, Christ himself set the standard for all Jewish and Islamic believers by using the Pharisees & Saduccees saying "that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees & Saduccees you shall not see the Kingdom of Heaven"!

Christ was referring to the logic that the Pharisees used when they question Christ by what authority did he do those miracles Christ replied who do you say I do these signs? They reasoned among themselves if they said the devil the crowd would kill them and if God Jesus would win the argument. So they said they didn't know. Christ said he would tell them since they refused to answer truthfully.

This set the standard for Jewish Salvation under the blood covenant for the Children of Abraham all they have to do is be more righteous than the Pharisees is know that Jesus is of God. This is the reason why they are under different standard. They were blinded for our sake not to recognize the messiah all they have to do is believe the God of Abraham sent Christ as one of the Prophets to be save. Most Jewish people believe Jesus to be a prophet and teacher from God of Abraham and are saved by faith in the God of Abraham due to their being blinded for our sake.

The same goes for the Islamic people. The doctrine concerning the divinity of Christ can be accepted by all groups but isn't required for the Jewish and Islamic since they fall under a blood covenant they only have to honor Christ as a prophet. Christ made his teaching convoluted so that scripture could be fulfilled in both covenants in the 70th week of Daniel.

All the religions of the God of Abraham are saved by faith WHETHER THEY KNOW IT THEMSELVES OR NOT! Paul made that plain in Hebrews and most of the books he wrote. The false doctrine taught by the Pharisees later raised to canonical standing (equal to God's word) called the oral traditions by Christ (800 years later written down as the Mishna separate study) are equal in standing to the false doctrine used by the Islamic people (which is similar in the sense that they are instructions how to talk to God proper form attitude etc.) and in themselves not sinful for directions but for being lifted to the same standard as the revealed word of God.

Churches today make the same mistakes. Knowledge from God is simple, man makes it complicated. My assignment from Christ is to teach the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic people to lay aside all doctrine not common before the first century leave some basic questions unanswered just as the first century did for fear of repeating oral traditions mistake which caused Christ to rebuke the Pharisees. Christ will answer all questions when he returns in less than 60th months. General believers will be forgiven for false doctrine and false teaching but those who made money off the word of God in all three religions will be held to the harshest stabdard of every thought word and deed.

Men only women and general believers get a free pass for following the"Leaders" who were not leaders which made the world the mess it is today. I will send this out to the usual suspects (paid religionist) and of course government leaders who are still waiting for the main paid religionists to see what they know already. Have a nice day, Love Enoch.

I asked all of you men of God to come up with guidelines for the coming Kingdom which is less than three years away. You are all talking about how many angels dancing on the head of a pin again. When it is apparent that I am not crazy and millions are dying each day because of what I saw in heaven April 4 2002 only the people in charge of Lucifer’s government will be able to control the levers of power because all of you who are close to ground zero of prophecy of his return could not get it through your heads Christ is really coming back and ...he wants you : just like Uncle Sam he wants you ready and doing what he told each and everyone of you.....


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Putin may be able to control European Russia

“The spiritual union of the people and the moral values that unite us are just as important a factor for development as political and economic stability. It is my conviction that a society can set and achieve ambitious national goals only if it has a common system of moral guidelines.”

Enoch rod of iron replies: Although I dislike some of the things Putin did including murder of people he disliked he has to be judged by the same rules of world leaders he has not done anything yet which would not make him a suitable manger for the part of Russia God gave me. And I like the way he keeps business in check.

The whole world went nuts over a decimal point in year 2000 I have been warning everyone in 30+ months all money will be worthless, all property will revert back to God's ownership, All religious leaders will be arrested for fraud, lying, stealing, cheating not believing what they write publish and sell namely that God exist or that he is coming.

I have proven everything I wrote in scripture and by prophesy.


And I will treat my Inheritance of

North America,

South America,

Africa and

Europe the same way you would treat your inheritance from your husband or wife or father or mother... So I can give away what God promised to me April 4, 2002 God exist, heaven Exist, I exist, and have existed for over 7000 years.

The whole world went nuts over a decimal point in year 2000 I have been warning everyone in months all money will be worthless, all property will revert back to God's ownership, All religious leaders will be arrested for fraud, lying, stealing, cheating not believing what they write publish and sell namely that God exist or that he is coming.

I have proven everything I wrote in scripture and by prophesy.

And I will treat my Inheritance of North America, South America, Africa and Europe the same way you would treat your inheritance from your husband or wife or father or mother...

So I can give away what God promised to me April 4, 2002 God exist, heaven Exist, I exist, and have existed for over 7000 years. I will control the earth for next 1000 years I will rule with more absolute power than all the other rulers in mankind's history combined.

I will make 50,000 Kings 144,000 rulers, and administrators the first 1000 will be the richest people in the History of the world.Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007 America live by the sword die by the sword

Oh its horrible president Bush says with dismay and feigned emotions. Why are you surprised Bush its not even a bad day In Iraq body count? Just because its in America? I warned you five years keep up the Nazi bullsh-t and you bring the same judgment from God he did to Germany.

Christianity failed requiring God to set up another prophet to get rid of the idolatry. Mohammed came set up Islam and after his death they copied the Jewish, Christian, form of Government becoming another false faith for money power and ego.

Just as Christianity separated into an eastern-western roman empire with the exact same demonic doctrines so did Islam dividing itself between a Shia and Shitte branches for the same reason money power and ego.

One branch of Islam claimed mohammeds' first minister should lead Islam and be Caliph another faction wanted a relative from Prophets uncle house a cousin and the two side fought war just as the eastern western roman empire did.

The eastern empire survivied longer because they lived in peace with islam under protection even though they was pagans and idoltors.

Abraham, Moses, Christ, Mohammad, all had one thing in common.

They destroyed idols.

All leaders of followers of these men reinstated these men as idols (after death) so they could cash in on authority.Christ had to pick someone to be his rod of iron. he never would pick any of these religious leaders because they are all liars, frauds, thieves, rapist, murderers, and unbelievers in anything except the corrupt system gving the property, power, money and the first place at the table in government operations."Yea, they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men`s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with their finger But all their works they do to be seen of men: for they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, and love the chief place at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, and the salutations in the marketplaces, and to be called of men, Rabbi. But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your teacher, and all ye are brethren.

"When Jesus said before Abraham I AM speaking YHWH when asked how could he know Abraham when he was not 50 years old. The Sanhedrin wanted to Kill him for breaking the law of Moses speaking the sacred name and claiming to be God.

The actual words of God quoted by scribes are the highest & greatest power and value of scripture which crosses all the recorded history of all three religions of the God of Abraham, the rest is perception of the people reading it. What God does to make his words have greatest impact is to use his prophets to underscore his words by using prophecies and judgments, and blessings and cursing on a personal, national, international stage.


The Big one was the 9.5 earthquake I told Bush to pick which coast he wanted it on and where he wanted, Christ said his thoughts was off the pacific and the hell away from North America.

three hundred thousand people died millions left homeless




Sept 10 (Reuters) - A 6.1-magnitude earthquake struck southern Iran on Wednesday near Bandar Abbas, site of a major Iranian oil refinery, the U.S. Geological Service said. Iran's state-owned Press TV described the tremor as strong but said there were no reports of casualties.

April 4, 2008 - A 6.4 magnitude earthquake strikes southern Iran, but there were no reports of damage or casualties. July 4, 2008 - A 5.3 magnitude earthquake shakes northeastern Iran, causing cracks in some buildings, but no reports of any casualties

July 4, 2008 - A 5.3 magnitude earthquake shakes northeastern Iran, causing cracks in some buildings, but no reports of any casualties


Apr 10, 1972 - An earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale struck southern Iran around Ghir Karzin, killing 5,374 people.

Mar 22, 1977 - 167 people were killed when an earthquake struck the southeastern coastal region around the town of Bandar Abbas. It measured 7.0 on the Richter scale.

Apr 6/7, 1977 - 352 people were killed when an earthquake struck Isfahan province. It measured 6.5 on the Richter scale.

Dec 21, 1977 - An earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale struck the town of Zarand in Kerman Province, killing 521 people.

Sept 16, 1978 - 15,000 people were killed by an earthquake measuring between 7.5 and 7.9 on the Richter scale, which levelled the town of Tabas and many nearby villages.

Jan 16, 1979 - An earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale struck Khorasan province, killing 199 people.

Nov 14, 1979 - An earthquake measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale struck a string of villages between Qaen and Khaf in Khorasan province, eastern Iran, killing at least 385 people.

Jun 11, 1981 - A quake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale destroyed the town of Golbaf, 800 km (500 miles) southeast of Tehran, killing 1,027 people and injuring more than 800.

Jun 21, 1990 - 35,000 died and 100,000 were injured in the worst recorded disaster in Iran. The quake, which registered 7.7 on the Richter scale, devastated the Caspian regions of Gilan and Zanjan. Some 500,000 were made homeless.

Feb 28, 1997 - A quake measuring 5.5 on the Richter scale killed about 1,000 people in northwestern Iran.

May 10, 1997 - A quake measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale killed 1,560 people in rural areas of eastern Iran near the Afghan border.

Jun 22, 2002 - An earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale razed dozens of villages in north Iran's Qazvin province, killing 229.

Dec 26, 2003 - An earthquake measuring 6.7 on the Richter scale devastated the city of Bam, 1,000 km (600 miles) southeast of Tehran, killing about 31,000 people.

Feb 22, 2005 - A strong earthquake in southeast Iran kills almost 400 people and injures more than 1,000 in and around the town of Zarand in Kerman province, about 700 km (440 miles) southeast of Tehran.

March 31, 2006 - An earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter scale hits the area of Doroud and Boroujerd in Lorestan province in west Iran, killing at least 70 people

God was showing me it's important to really listen. When I was in the Holy of Holies I sensed the presence of the ancient Being. The Glory of God the joy of God was similar to the Time Christ first brought me to into the Third Heaven and revealed himself as God But the ancient quality did not come until I went to the Holy of Holies.I once told you what the face of God looked like.

Imagine being outside of Universe and our whole universe was but a single star in a Galaxy in a collection of star system that stretched across a open area longer than any measurement and contained within that is everything that God has made and will make and everything that is and will be.

That is the face of the ancient one the Christ is his entrance into the microscopic world. {Jesus said before Abraham I AM speaking YHWH }One must deal with the Man Christ Jesus or God among us his Jewish name Joshua and understand exactly who and what Christ is. 1 Kings 9:3

Christ drew my attention back to the last week of years, this time period by saying this is important I want you to focus on this laid out the time of the seven weeks of years like a movie .

God's message

Christ's way: He answereth and saith unto them, He that hath two coats, let him impart to him that hath none; and he that hath meat, let him do likewise. Then came also publicans to be baptized, and said unto him, Master, what shall we do?

And he said unto them, Exact no more than that which is appointed you. And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said unto them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages.

Beloved of God in all three religions of the God of Abraham the first man who understood to show his love for God by submission to God in all things. God cannot change because he is God so we mankind must change to serve him in order to find our true happiness. All the religions of earth have changed the simple truth of this most basic step in finding the path to illumination.

The religious leaders love to be called reverent, Holy, or teacher they lift themselves up to be praised and honored by foolish people and in so doing they commit the same sin as Lucifer. They desire to be as the most high, they commit the first sin of pride called shirk in Islam putting something before God.

The most offensive on earth is the pope and his brothers in the eastern roman empire also called popes. They copied the sin of Israel changing the center of religion from worshipping God to making them the center of religion

Lucifer controls this Kingdom NYSE it represents all the Kingdoms of the world in mankind's history must be destroyed before the Return of the Christ the more they resist The knowledge I give you the more is lost from all the world kingdoms you have made Billionaires into Millionaires Nations which ruled over poorer nations equal in misery and the only way for the destruction to stop is the governments admit they know about the return of Christ and stop waging war and treat mankind as brothers not customers.

Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Deut 6:13, Deut 10:20, Luke 4:


Dear Hillary for your records: My brother came down with Agent Orange disease it killed him non Hodgkin’s lymphoma after a long and pain filled life of needless suffering. Many paid medical professionals lied for years that there was no such thing as Agent Orange disease also. As Your Husband proved this lie to be false earning my late brothers respect and gratitude although much too late to save him from decades of pain or prevent his death which could have been avoided if the doctors told the truth from the beginning. The battle goes on. Now it is Gulf War Syndrome.

Looking for Medical Doctors which know about Gulf War Syndrome was the first person in USA to come down with during the First Gulf War from Chemicals (worked with over 2000 some neuro toxins & hydrazine to help speed it to the blood supply) which destroyed brain membrane & immune system Although at that time they had no name for it.. After almost 2 years of my own research (help from many other sources) was able to establish chemical injury medically proving damage sufficient enough to be considered over 70% disabled my file was used by Congress for guidelines for social security cases still used today.

My research was done for a workers compensation claim which I won (after my lawyer quit right before the hearing in collusion with the companies lawyer) represented myself via a telephonic hearing won the case company bribed the head of the Worker compensation board (promotion to Director) if he would throw out the case.(Alaska) is controlled by criminals dressed in suits called Politicians & oil executives which feared criminal charges for the damage they done to many workers. They prefer to bury workers (which they succeeded in doing) not pay them.

However the workers compensation board did say I was damaged from chemicals just that they would not pay me for it. The Federal government {looking for injury on chemically damaged people} used all the information I spent my life savings collecting tests from Allergist (Chemical warfare uses allergist in chemical weapons) as the bases for a protocol study for Gulf War Syndrome (hired my second Doctor before my last doctor for the study then stole him away from Washington State).

I do have some resentment being robbed by Alaska State proving everything in a Kangaroo court but count it a Blessing since my research did help the returning Vets with some information gained from the many mistakes made on me by Doctors just learning about this disease.

Some of the mistakes was having doctors order a EKG then have no one read it (though they charged for reading) Until the doctor who ordered had time to read in his regular mail seeing I was in cardiac arrest bad enough to kill. He called my house asked is Edward still alive? Call 911 he had a bad heart attack.

The federal Government In particular the US Air Force used all my information for treatments for the disabled vets without paying anything for the information I spent my life savings on. However I am happy it helped many others this permitted one million other people stricken to gain medical treatment and acceptance under the general Term CFIDS later (ME) post polio syndrome. Historically this type of auto immune damage affects the one third of the world population which would have caught Polio except for Jonas Sauk. Who warned of only curing one half of the auto immune disorders from this gene on the double helix. He was correct..

The same gene which made my brother sick from Agent Orange also made me sick from different but similar chemical trigger. I need to find a doctor in (Kaunas) soon who either knows about this or is willing to learn about or will be dead in a few weeks.
My doctor (Washington) will supply information if someone can supply the needed medication to keep me from going into cardiac arrest from pain or into a left hemisphere lobe seizure which kills millions of brain cells.

The damage done to immune system is great and common flue can kill me. I only have between 20%to 50% of lung capacity with advanced damage due from chemical scaring and asbestos damage from over 20 years in heavy contaminated power plants and chemical plants currently using an oxygen concentrator.

Any Help in this matter would be appreciated. Without medication taken for over 10 years I will go into cardiac arrest, need operation two years ago, seizure of left hemisphere lobe can only be controlled not eliminated as most of the prescriptions is to lessen major effects of the damage none are curative at all. Lungs easier to breathe on steroids I have lost ground simple flue my problems are over.


During a worship service (first century christian service which is the closest system to Islam in the God of Abraham religions) A word came (From Holy of Holies) GOD MADE MAN IN HIS OWN IMAGE

{singularity their is no God but God Everything created exist in God}

directing the people when in the presence of the Living God don't let your spirit wander it is the same as witchcraft. ritual from 3500 BC from Babylon praticed in Ancient Egypt "ATON"has nothing to do with Christ it is a pretense a act they put on a show to cover up the true origins of Lucifers Church. Adapted by Constantine to use up all his idols left over from Pagan Roman State religion where they worshiped anything or any part of anything. Considering the Pope real title is Ponticus Maximus used to worship (openly) a huge black Phallus homsexual preist would ejaculate "Believers then pay them for the semen to be used on the idol it is not hard to figure out why they rape altar boys.

First century Church believes that God of Abraham is the eternal one ( I AM HE WHO IS) and the Christ is exactly who he said he is the Christ. Christ prayed to the eternal one (YHWH)


Our Father who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name (YHWH) but it is not spoken out loud as a sign of Respect

Our Father who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name (YHWH) but it is not spoken out loud as a sign of Respect,

First century christians reject the Trinity, They consider the Christ as his name says The Presence of God among us, which both Islam, Christians, & Jewish people all use part of God's name for children in order to receive blessing.

The Christ can best be explained as a cup of water from a larger jar of water. While in the cup the Christ can be seen as seperate from God once pour back into the jar cannot be found as the jar represents YHWH.

We also believe the Pope is ruled by the anti christ. 911 was a Biblical type which could be the “rapture” that has been oversold as a doctrine by Paid religionist deceived by the same demon that deceived the Sanhedrin.

The Sanhedrin believed that The Lord Jesus Christ was a “false prophet” because of the promises of what would happen to the city of Jerusalem when the Messiah came to earth. They saw the prophesies that pertained to the end of the world when the( New Jerusalem would come down to earth )

God allowed 3 nuclear weapons on US soil

Every person working for the Federal Government took a oath to follow the Consitution they have broken faith with God and our nation.

The files of CIA, FBI, NSA, will be opened to show how much illegal activity was done for the Corporate Nazi empire of the military- Industrial complex for the next 150 years.

This will be the source of income for every person who desires to receive income owed to them under the destroyed Republic. This way the knowledge will be kept alive procedures will be used to prevent it happening again.

Mr. President; This E-mail will be sent to the United Nation 140 non aligned nations already have information you tried to destroy. Many times my heart was filled with compassion for people I loved in America .

Especially southern states such a gentle but maligned culture. The United States is a single nation on a single continent. When Christ took me to heaven April 4, 2002 he gave me four land masses North America, South America, Africa, Europe as my inheritance from the Hidden Book of Revelations chapter 10 verse 10 when he put a crown on my head gave me all the land masses I walked on as fee simple estate the same way he gave the middle east to Abraham. Christ calls me his rod of iron.

You know this you reject it. You reject it because you don’t believe in God. Well here is a shock for you God don’t believe in you he rejects you. Nothing you put your hand to will succeed. Everything you touch will be destroyed. Waited until Christ broke my heart with grief before telling you this president Obama because you ignored all the warnings signs the Gulf well will not be fixed with relief wells in fact it will triple the outflow blame will be upon you by the world governments as an act of God.

The people on the Gulf Coast will not be able to collect from BP because of your stupidity you will be impeached. The flim flam Bush used on America and fell right in step with is over. Bush wanted to use one trillion dollars and keep his friends out of jail. You used 3 trillion dollars to pay back one billion dollars of donations and keep everyone happy. That is just what you admitted to what the Banks did was use 13 trillion dollars worth of credit to do the stupid moranic nonsense you and the democrats wanted.

see private message with related hyperlinks needing protection since Daniel removed them click on

God allowed 3 nuclear weapons on US soil to punish america.


U.S. ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie met with Saddam in an emergency meeting on 25 July, where the Iraqi leader stated his intention to give one more brief chance before forcing Iraq's claims on Kuwait. U.S. officials attempted to maintain a conciliatory line with Iraq, indicating that while George H. W. Bush and James Baker did not want force used, they would not take any position on the Iraqs' Kuwait boundary dispute and did not want to become involved.

I heard the interview she blew it.

Whatever Glapsie did or did not say in her interview with Saddam, the Iraqis assumed that the United States had invested too much in building relations with Iraq over the 1980s to sacrifice them for Kuwait.

Professor Obama; "so far the anti christ bush killed 2 million by overt acts in war,

1 million by disease/stavation middle east/100 million africa hunger/disease/war.

God allowed 3 nuclear weapons on US soil to punish america.

He gave some knowledge where to look but not one government wants to take responsibility to look for them. I wrote it down in 2002 and posted on MSN Sites to have it handy Bush/Cheney/ Rove destroyed them.

Reason I write everything down as God gives it I have no memory due to damage from chemical damage to brain glands documentated Myalgic Encephalopathy 1990/1991 later called known as Gulf war syndrome.

Some additional information close to the Time I returned from heaven maybe of importance in locating those weapons in my e mails or messages.

That is the problem with NAZI book burning sometimes you need those books after you burn them.{I wrote about in 2002 concerning New York City will happen as is written stored in a judges' safe in Washington State if he is still alive}

The purpose of this e mail is a document that our home land is anything but secure and they cannot protect themselves much less anyone else. Nazis prefer to play games at the air port. Beating people up who don't know anything even if you have a degree does not get you any knowledge or safer."

edward called enoch by the Lord Jesus Christ